Apply for a Personal Loan

Please provide all of the requested information in the form below. When you have completed it, submit your application for processing.

Loan Information
Personal Information

If you've lived at your current address less than 2 years, please provide your previous home address

Current Employment Information
If employed less than 2 years at current employer:
If applying for an Auto Loan:
Trade In
Purchase Vehicle
Other Income and Asset Information

Note: Alimony, child support or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.

Debt Information

List all debts and credit accounts, replacing "Other" with description. If those listed do not apply, please say "None" for balance & payment..

Additional Accounts
Joint Account Holder (if any--otherwise, please skip this section)

Joint Applicant Employment Information

Fair Credit Reporting Act Disclosure

We may report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report.

Credit Disclosure

Central National Bank (the bank) may not condition an extension of credit on either:

  • Your purchase of an insurance product or annuity from the bank or any of its affiliates; or...
  • Your agreement not to obtain, or a prohibition on you from obtaining, an insurance product or annuity from an unaffiliated entity.

By submiting this form you acknowledge that you have received these disclosures orally and in writing. (Transactions conducted by mail do not require oral disclosures. In those cases you are not certifying oral delivery.)


By submitting this application, I/We certify that I/We are 18 years of age or over, and that this information has been supplied truthfully, accurately and voluntarily, and therefore authorize Central National Bank to investigate my/our creditworthiness, credit history and financial responsibility through any credit bureau or by any other reasonable means for consideration for the loan applied for, or for any other services offered. This application does not constitute a contract for the extension of credit.

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Fax: 785-231-1414

US Mail:
Central National Bank
Attn: Online Services Dept.
800 SE Quincy St
Topeka, KS 66612

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Browser Security Indicators

You may notice when you are on our home page that some familiar indicators do not appear in your browser to confirm the entire page is secure. Those indicators include the small "lock" icon in the bottom right corner of the browser frame and the "s" in the Web address bar (for example, "https").

To provide the fast access to our home page, we have made signing in to Online Banking secure without making the entire page secure. You can be assured that your ID and password are secure and that only Central National Bank has access to them. is SSL-Encypted

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology secretly encodes (encrypts data) information that is being sent over the Internet between your computer and Central National Bank, helping to ensure that the information remains confidential.

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